6. Elküldve: 2002-03-13 01:02:07 [.]

tommy99: Elég sok a téves információ...
Pl.: "A seca2 a kiszivárgott hírek szerint az izraeli fejlesztésu NDS/Videoguard rendszert takarja."

Egy részlet a NagraFAQ-ból:
"VideoGuard: News Datacom's name for their digital video encryption and security system. The most unique feature of the VideoGuard system is its use of a zero-knowledge truth (ZKT) algorithm to allow the IRD to decide whether or not the CAM is actually a genuine NDC-produced device. Although Kudelski would like to incorporate such an algorithm in the NagraVision system, they are unable to do so because patents governing the use of ZKT algorithms are held by News Datacom and its employees. See also ZKT.

ZKT: An means by which two entities (in our case, an IRD and a CAM) can independently verify the authenticity of the other without divulging data which would allow an attacker to pose as either entity and reliably forge an authentication for the other entity. Patents governing ZKT algorithms are held by employees of News Datacom, and as a result, ZKT technology is incorporated into News Datacom's VideoGuard system, but cannot be incorporated into Kudelski's NagraVision system. See also NagraVision, News Datacom, S.A. Kudelski, VideoGuard."

A Telepiu és a Stream már most használja a Videoguardot is, biztosan innen ered a téves infód. A News Datacom majd hülye lenne kiadni a ZKT algoritmusát a Seca 2 számára, meggyorsítandó a feltörését. Senki sem vágja maga alatt a fát...
Az igaz, hogy a Videoguard belső IRD-ként van megoldva, de voltak olyan hírek is, miszerint kapható külső CI modulként is.
[előzmény: (1) tommy99, 2002-03-12 20:35:33]