Regisztrál :: Profil :: Beállítás :: Tagok :: Szavazógép :: Csoportok :: Segítség Vissza :: Főoldal 
 Hozzászólások: 9472316/0 Témák: 19116 Tagok: 113043 Legújabb tag: melinda2007 Online: (102/1
 Név: Jelszó:  Eltárol  Elfelejtette jelszavát?
    / 1 

Instructions for Registration!!!!!

(üzenet: 1, Hungária Puli Klub)


Tagság: 2002-12-17 00:00:00
Tagszám: #634
Hozzászólások: 2137
1. Elküldve: 2006-03-31 22:32:50,

Instructions for Registration!!!!!


Please follow the steps carefully. It may seem complicated, perhaps even challenging but hopefully not impossible to complete! If you have any questions or difficulties please e-mail:

[email protected]

Good Luck!

Advantages of registration:
Your ID cannot be misused, only the person registered to that ID can post messages and gives you access to all the facilities of the system (private messages, favourites, statistics, post ads, receive emails from readers, etc.)

You will receive an email to the email address you have given. This email is automatically and immediately sent, if you do not receive this email it is due to an error on your mail server (it may be full, rejected, settings). On failure of receipt of this email you may resend the activation email at any time through the elöregisztrációs lista (pre-registration list)
You may also cancel your pre-registration if you have made an error

Open the link in the email to activate your registration

Log in and have access to the message board, post messages!


Click on the link below:

Only the Szükséges Információk (necessary information) block is mandatory, rest need not be completed. That is:
Felhasználói név (Netboard ID)
Jelszó (password)
Jelszó ujra (password repeat) and
e-mail cim (email address)

When done, click Elküld (send) at the bottom of the page



Once you have activated your account through the email you received click on the following link:

Tagok listája

Sign in on bar above the Hungaria Puli Club logo:

Név (ID) Jelszó (password) Mehet (send)

Click on beiratkozás a csoportba at bottom right of the page to be admitted to the group:

Click Mehet on the next page

You will then be admitted to a waiting list (várolista). If you wish to check whether you are on the waiting list click on the word várolista

The waiting list is checked frequently. Notice of admission to the group will be sent to you as a private message which can be accessed by logging in with your login name and password on the bar above the Hungaria Puli Club logo on the following link (private message flashes next to your ID). Please give this a few hours.

Név (ID) Jelszó (password) Mehet (send)

[Ezt a hozzászólást újraszerkesztették: 2006-03-31 22:47:54]
Kiváló dolgozó
Nyertes adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   

Instructions for Registration!!!!!

(üzenet: 1, Hungária Puli Klub)
    / 1 

Új hozzászólás írása
  Név :   Jelszó :
  Mail :

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