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 Hozzászólások: 9464864/22 Témák: 19040 Tagok: 112880 Legújabb tag: nigelbdhmp Online: (136/0
 Név: Jelszó:  Eltárol  Elfelejtette jelszavát?
    / 6 
 Találatok száma: 128 üzenet


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1692. Elküldve: 2004-03-15 23:57:58 [26.]

Kijött az új Yanksee , nyitja a seca-2-t

Téma: SkyStar 2 Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #1693]
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
80. Elküldve: 2004-03-15 23:03:13 [27.]

A P**r M*n's CAM az?
A leírásban csak eredeti kártyát írnak, vagy ......?

Téma: TitaniumCard Fórum: Sat
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
78. Elküldve: 2004-03-15 19:48:45 [28.]

Van olyan Seca2 Cam.Emu, ami Progdvb-hez jó, és esetleg Phoenix-xel (Titaniumot rakva bele) működik?

Téma: TitaniumCard Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #79]
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1659. Elküldve: 2004-02-19 22:03:07 [29.]

Igen, de már letölthető az új

Téma: SkyStar 2 Fórum: Sat
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
25. Elküldve: 2004-01-20 21:53:11 [30.]

Érdekes, most folyamatosabb a kép ProgDVB-vel mint egy hónapja és csak néha kockásodik. Viszont ha teljes képernyőre veszem, eltűnik a kép egy része.
Bizonyos videokartyák (pl. radeon 9600, 9800, jobb Geforce-ok) alapból dekódolják a HDTV-t. Vajon velük jobb, stabilabb a kép?

Téma: HDTV kontra Skystar1 & Skystar2 Fórum: Sat
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
28. Elküldve: 2004-01-03 00:09:08 [31.]

Nem tévedsz, a progi szépen át"rendereli" gépfüggően néhány perc, de leginkább óra alatt icon23.gif szabványos DVD kompatibilis szabványos mpeg2-vé (vob-bá).

Feliratot sajna még nem próbáltam hozzárakni.

Téma: Vásárolt már valaki DVD írót ? Fórum: Sat
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
25. Elküldve: 2004-01-02 20:56:25 [32.]

Ha pl. ProgDVB-vel mpeg-ben veszed fel az anyagot, azt simán ki lehet írni, csak egy fájlba kell rögzíteni.
Én a Sonic Foundry (mostmár Sony) DVD Architect nevű progiját használom.

Téma: Vásárolt már valaki DVD írót ? Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #26 #27]
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1702. Elküldve: 2004-01-01 20:14:47 [33.]

Most jött:

Dear Europe Online Members

I would like this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a wonderful
New Year 2004. During the move to Eutelsat W3 7 degrees East I had the
pleasure to get to know many of you personally. Certainly, this was a
highlight of this last year for me.

Here at Europe Online, we continue to be humbled by your dedication and
loyalty to the Europe Online e-DSL via satellite service and to us, the
team. I assure you, it is what makes all of us get up in the morning and
come to continue to try and offer the best broadband satellite service in
the world. With all but 100 dishes now delivered to more than 30 countries
throughout Europe ( We sent out so many dishes that the supplier did not
have any more and we had to wait until after the Christmas Holidays!), we
have heard of EOL members going out in -26 degree centigrade to install
their dish! Thank you, thank you. If you still have not installed your
dish to W3, please go to our special Eutelsat FAQ section at for tips.

We have made progress toward our goal of bringing you the best Broadband
Internet via Satellite, due mainly to the excellent feedback we have
received from you, but we still have a long way to go. During the first two
weeks of January and as promised, we anticipate finally having our network
and service back to the quality that you all have known from Europe Online.

I would like to give you a short update on the network and services below:

EOL File Fetch: Again, thanks to your feedback including some excellent
suggestions, I believe we have now been able to stabilize File Fetch so that
your requests are delivered completely and on time. If this is not the
case, I would please ask that you write to me directly at
[email protected] so that we may re-credit you for your lost files.
Please note that we have also configured File Fetch to deliver files within
three hour slots in order to collect as many requests as possible and thus
provide a more efficient service for you, particularly those who may be
file-sharing. For those new EOL members who have not yet tried File Fetch,
we urge you to do so. You can download large files offline at 2 MB speeds
and keep your EOL fast surf capacity for surfing. If you have not
downloaded the EOL Multicast Fazzt client yet, you can do so at

EOL Fast Surf: As communicated to our members, Eutelsat had some problems
during the week of 12 December with their FireWall which had an effect of
slow surfing for four days. This problem has now been solved and I am happy
to report that our members have written that they are satisfied with the
speed, which although a bit slower than what was on ASTRA is much more

EOL e-lert: The e-ert service is now again working. For a few days, in
fact, it was working too well and the email notifications were coming twice!
We have however worked out this bug and the e-lerts should only be coming
once now!

GPRS for EOL Fast Surf: I am very happy to report that, again thanks to a
tri-partite cooperation between our users in Eastern Europe, Eutelsat, and
Europe Online the GPRS for EOL Fast Surf is now working. It is still in a
BETA phase and EOL and Eutelsat released it ahead of its scheduled service
date in order to be able to serve our members in Hungary in particular. All
feedback is very welcome and will help the service become better. Again,
the feedback should be sent to [email protected] and
[email protected]. Please go to if you would
like to know how to use the GPRS connection for EOL Fast Surf in the Eastern
European countries.

Registration and MAC Addresses: At the same time that we have been working
to provide top quality services for our current members, we have also been
working to improve the registration and log-in process for new members,
particularly by implementing an automatic MAC address registration process.

DSL Digital Library and Mediathek: Over the past weeks we have been
continuing to add storage in Rambouillet to accomodate EOL's DSL Digital
Library and MediaThek. Almost all of the software and music have been
uploaded as well as the Japanese Anime. The films and videos are starting
to be uploaded now as well so that by 15 January we will have our Film House
and Musaik back in the MediaThek.

Free Film: We are also pleased to make certain that all our members take
advantage of the Free Film per month as part of your EOL e-DSL service. Go
to our Film House Channel in the MediaThek at
to download it.

Conclusion: The Europe Online team joins me in wishing each of you a very
Happy New Year 2004!

Candace Johnson
Europe Online Investments S.A.

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #1704 #1705]
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1684. Elküldve: 2003-12-30 20:47:27 [34.]

Találtam infót a tányérról
(FTE maximal OS 80 AL)

Magammal levelezve icon29.gif

Offset dish, 80 cm, AL

Dimensions (mm) Vert.: 800 Dimensions (mm) Horiz.: 740 Reflecting material Aluminium Frequency margin (GHz) 10,7 - 12,75 Gain (dB) 11,7-12,5 GHz 37,7 Gain (dB) 12,5-12,75 GHz 38,1 Polarity decoupling (dB) >30 AZIMUT (º) 0 - 360 ELEVATION (º) 4 - 52 Maximum elevation on mast assembly (º) 40 Wind resistance (N) 500 Maximum operative speed wind (Km/h) 125 Maximum bracket diameter (mm) 60 Antenna´s weight (kg) 4

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1683. Elküldve: 2003-12-30 19:55:49 [35.]

Tegnap kaptam meg az ingyen tükör csomagot.
Egy Philips lnb van benne és egy tojás (ellipszis) alakú TPE? tükör.
Valaki felszerelte már? Az lnb tényleg csak az alsó sávot viszi(ahogy az EOL oldalán van)? Semmi leírás sem volt róla és én inkább másra használnám,.............. ha lehet.
Kérem írjátok le a tapasztalataitokat.

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1492. Elküldve: 2003-12-28 00:16:13 [36.]

Ha a UPC hivatalos kártyáját plusz költségnek tekinted akkor sajnos most nagyon ne örülj icon31.gif

Téma: SkyStar 2 Fórum: Sat
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
393. Elküldve: 2003-12-21 19:50:50 [37.]

Valaki talán megválaszolja , hogy akkor SS2+ Snitch viszi? icon59.gif

Téma: Nagravision Fórum: Sat
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1543. Elküldve: 2003-12-21 19:46:13 [38.]

December 18-án kaptam A P-Sat- os (ez Posta Tibi cége, P-Sat Hungary Kft. 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Baltazár Dezső u. 14. Internetes rendelés: 52/561-703 [email protected] Posta Tibor ) [color=black]mail, tehát gondolom hétfőn, vagy kedden jön a csomag.[/color]

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1539. Elküldve: 2003-12-21 18:03:59 [39.]

A lavórok útban lehetnek.
ELőször ezt kaptam:
Re: Your EOL Free Dish

Dear valued Europe Online Member,

We are very pleased to communicate to you with this email that in cooperation with our partner in your country we have found the way to make the EOL Free Dish available to you. Our partner will be contacting you in the next few days to tell you where you can pick up your free dish.

We are pleased that we were able to find this optimal solution with our partner in your country.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for the Holiday Season and further happy surfing and downloading with EOL's e-dsl via satellite service.

Candace Johnson
Europe Online Investments S.A.

Majd másnap ezt :

Tisztelt Cím!

Ön a Europe Online-nál regisztrált az ajándék EOL parabola tükörre és fejre.
Ezúton szeretném értesíteni, hogy az ajándék szettet a jövőhét folyamán szállítanánk.
A szett tartalmaz egy 78 cm tükröt, univerzális fejet, 20 m kábelt és 2 db F csatlakozót.
A futárköltség 3125 Ft, mely Önt terheli (ez kevesebb, mint az EOL által jelzett összeg, 18 EUR)
Kérjük haladéktalanul jelezzen vissza, hogy a futár milyen telefonszámon tudja elérni, arra az esetre ha Ön nem tartózkodna az EOL-nál beregisztrált címen.

Mészáros Judit
P-Sat Hungary Kft.

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #1540]
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
388. Elküldve: 2003-12-19 21:34:35 [40.]

SS2 + Snitch továbbra is viszi?

Téma: Nagravision Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
21. Elküldve: 2003-12-17 17:36:06 [41.]

Ez a cikk épp erről szól csak a konfig kicsit erősebb (P4-System mit 3.2 GHz samt 1 GB Speicher (DDR400, CL2.0) und 160 GB RAID-0-Verbund)

Téma: HDTV kontra Skystar1 & Skystar2 Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
15. Elküldve: 2003-12-14 19:18:36 [42.]

My theatre-vel már nem ment 50% fölé a procihasználat(Athlon xp 2500), igaz a kép lassítva ment, de nem esett szét.
Viszont másfél perc 260MB méretű volt icon27.gif

Téma: HDTV kontra Skystar1 & Skystar2 Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
12. Elküldve: 2003-12-13 23:43:06 [43.]

Athlon XP 2500 + SS2 20-30 másodperc és behal a program.

Téma: HDTV kontra Skystar1 & Skystar2 Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #13]
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
8. Elküldve: 2003-12-13 09:18:52 [44.]

Lehet hogy @ti-t bízták meg a kódolással és ezt az infót a mamája elpletykálta a hentesnél. Mondjuk én is dühös lennék..................... icon26.gif

Téma: amos sat ahrt nagra key Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #10]
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Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1405. Elküldve: 2003-12-09 15:09:25 [45.]

Biztos rossz lesz még egy hónapig azért adták ezt a két hónapos hosszabbítást, de amúgy............. icon53.gif

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1404. Elküldve: 2003-12-09 15:07:10 [46.]

icon73.gif Dear Valued Europe Online Member,

I would like to thank all of our Europe Online members for their incredible
loyalty as we switched from 19.2 degrees East to 7 degrees
East. As you know, it was not expected and together you, our team and
Eutelsat have made the impossible, possible.

As a little Christmas/Year-End bonus and in order to make certain that
everyone has had a chance to install their dish, register, and to credit
some people who lost files from File Fetch or the DSL Digital Library I am
very pleased to communicate to you that all EOL memberships will be now
prolonged for two months.

As you know, Europe Online had to completely rebuild its network in
Rambouillet, France over the last two weeks and whereas we are still
experiencing some teething problems, we are very pleased to report
that all functions of our famous e-dsl service have now been installed
and are operating, be it File Fetch, the DSL Digital Library, e-lert, and the

With the Christmas rush, the postal and transport companies have had some
delays. Whereas we have now received many emails from our members
confirming that they
have received their free dish packs, some are just receiving them and need
time to install them. As a result, we feel more comfortable in prolonging
everyone's accounts for two months.

Coming up in the next few weeks, I am delighted to tell you that we will
have some new dynamite free movies and also some anti-virus software which
we think will be particularly attractive as a Christmas present to you all.

I wish you continued happy surfing and downloading with EOL's e-dsl service
and send,

Kindest regards and all best wishes for the season,

Candace Johnson
Europe Online Investments S.A.

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1396. Elküldve: 2003-12-08 20:27:00 [47.]

Most kaptam Ekaterina Kavarova -tól

<[email protected]>

Dear Valued Europe Online Member,


> We would like to thank you for your request concerning a free dish.

> We would like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner

> concerning your request. As you know, the transport costs from

> Luxembourg to your country are actually very high. In an effort to

> try and honor your request and still keep the transport costs down, we

> are working with our


> in your country. The idea is that we will deliver a large number of


> to your country and then the representative will distribute them

> locally


> best as he can, perhaps even asking if you can come and pick it up

> from a certain point. We will still have to bear transport costs, but

> this


> bring them down to the transport price your colleagues in other

> countries are paying.


> We will be meeting them next Monday and Tuesday with our

> representatives


> you country and believe that we will have a solution whereby a

> reasonable amount can be paid for the transport in working via the

> representatives.


> We will therefore notify you as of Wednesday, 10 December to confirm

> to


> that you will be receiving the free dish and the price and logistics

> of receiving it.


> We are optimistic that we can find a good solution for our valued

> members


> your country. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate

> to contact me, Candace Johnson at [email protected].


> With kindest regards


> Candace Johnson

> President

> Europe Online Investments S.A.


Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1318. Elküldve: 2003-12-02 22:29:38 [48.]

Dear valued Europe Online Members,

Midnight 01 December marks the end of our transition to Eutelsat and also
the end of our free-dish offer and Super Duper Double Whammy special for our
existing members until 14 November 2003.

We would like to like to thank all of our members for having participated in
this special action.

*** We are delighted to communicate to you that as of 12:00 Midnight. 01
December, more than 95% of our members had taken advantage of this special

The entire team of Europe Online and Eutelsat are overwhelmed by this
loyalty and vote of confidence and we will not let you down. We have cc'd
the President of Eutelsat on this email because the entire Eutelsat team is
also very happy about this result.

*** One Month Extension of all Contracts: We would like to remind all of
our loyal members who have indeed switched and taken advantage of the Super
Duper Offer before 14 November that their subscriptions have been prolonged
for one month in order to a) make certain that all problems with the
re-registration are taken care of and/or b) that they can take advantage of
the free dish offer and to have a chance to install it.

*** At this time, I would like to update you on a few details as we complete
our transition to Eutelsat:

* Satellite Dishes: Many of the dishes have arrived today and will continue
to arrive throughout this week. For the installation, please contact your
local installer to help you if you have no experience in installing dishes.
If you have experience in installing dishes, then I am pleased to quote here
below one of our members, Neil Webster, who found the best way to find
Eutelsat 7 degrees East.

"I found the W3 satellite at 7 degrees East by locating Hotbird at 13
degrees East with a satellite finder, and then finding Telenor 1W, and then
moving the dish between the two points. For positioning their dish - The
difference between 19.2 and 7.0 is around 1.2 - 1.5cm to the right
(azimuth), and around 0.5 - 1.0 cm up (declination) based on an 85cm dish. I
found that the easiest way to make a note of this was to mark 13.0 and 1.0W
on the mount pole with a permanent pen, then move the dish back to 7.0 -
Plus, if you use a magnetic compass, disconnect the power from the LNB first
or the magnetic field from the powered LNB will distort the reading. "
The same member also had a question about the Technisat Drivers, sinhce it
has a "Proxy auto authentication" option: Can I use this rather than
connecting to the site? Our customer support people that
you should not_ use it as it does not help.
* EOL would also like to remind our members that the EOL software includes
the pointing instructions to Eutelsat 7 degrees East and that our FAQ's do
have a Do It Yourself Satellite Finder at

* GSM/GPRS: We are continuing to make certain that our members using GPRS
to access the EOL FastSurf can do so on Eutelsat. We have worked with
Eutelsat to have the following solution. For the moment being, users should
follow the configuration instructions contained at

After connecting to the VPN server with the login/passwd below:

user: eon_demo
passw: rui2sOVj4

users should "Satlogin" using their normal login and password, and use
proxies to browse the Internet.

* 5GB Add-On Packs. We are very pleased to communicate to you that all of
the 5 GB Add On packs have now been re-activated. If you had bought a 5 GB
Add On Pack for EOL Fast Surf or if you had bought a 5 GB pre-paid code,
they should now all be working and they should show up on your profile.

Please contact [email protected] if there is any problem in
this regard.

* File Fetch: The EOL File Fetch is a patented system of which we are very
proud of. We had to completely rebuild it
at the Eutelsat Rambouillet uplink center in a record time of two weeks. We
are very pleased to communicate to you that this has been done and that the
EOL File Fetch capacity has been doubled in order to respond to popular

* e-lert; At the week-end we were still re-installing e-lert, but we hope
that on Wednesday 03 December during the day that we will be able to
re-activate this beloved feature for all of our users.

* DSL Digital Library (formerly Download Center): Over the last weeks, this
feature has been constantly improved with the latest software, games, music,
films, etc. It is now again available for our members.

* MediaThek. In our constant efforts to continually improve our service, we
are very happy to communicate to you that as of 08 December, EOL will be
bringing you its exclusive streams, Musaik, Adult, Spice, Film House, and
EuroTip in High Definition TV quality. We will be using the WavExpress TV
Tonic client to achieve this. It has been number one on our downlist for
months now so many of you have it already. We will tell you more about this
as the date approaches.

Conclusion : Thank you again for your membership and your loyalty. We wish
you all the best for the Holiday Season and lots of fast surfing and fast
downloading with Europe Online!

Candace Johnson
Europe Online Investments S.A.

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1449. Elküldve: 2003-12-01 18:12:15 [49.]

Nem tudom mi érdekel a ProgDVB Subtitle-ről. Amelyik csatin van felirat, ott a csatorna tulajdonságoknál be kell állítani hogy melyik nyelvet akarod, aztán a "Subs" ikonra csak rá kell kattintani és a film alatt megjelenik a feirat.
A beállításoknál érdemes az Audio-video menü, Direct Show almenüben a ProgDVB Video Rendert választani .A többinél gyakran akadt a kép ha feliratot is akartam.

Téma: SkyStar 2 Fórum: Sat
[válaszok erre: #1450]
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   


Tagság: 2003-01-10 00:00:00
Tagszám: #768
Hozzászólások: 128
1272. Elküldve: 2003-11-28 13:49:46 [50.]

Remélem ezzel nem váltam árulóvá icon27.gif

Meg aztán lehet, hogy nem is jön meg, ha meg megjön visszaküldöm, ahogy akarjátok icon30.gif

Téma: Az EOL használhatatlan, vagy én vagyok béna? Fórum: Sat
KTomi adatlapja Privát üzenet küldése Email küldése Felvétel a címjegyzékbe Felvétel tiltó listára Hozzászólások száma:   
 Találatok száma: 128
    / 6 
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