Találatok száma: 2 üzenet |

Tagság: 2024-05-28 09:58:34 Tagszám: #139859 Hozzászólások: 2
1. Elküldve:
2024-05-28 10:08:00 |
[1.] |
It shouldn't be your problem to figure out the best way to go from A to B, mapquest driving directions is useful for that. Among its many useful features are up-to-the-minute traffic reports, precise driving directions, and an intuitive interface. It guarantees a trip that is free of hassle.
For individuals who struggle to navigate unfamiliar areas or find their way around, Maps Quest Directions is an excellent tool to have on hand. What is its usefulness? Not only does it show you the best route, but it also suggests restaurants, updates you on traffic, and more.
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Tagság: 2024-05-28 09:58:34 Tagszám: #139859 Hozzászólások: 2
1. Elküldve:
2024-05-28 10:01:00 |
[2.] |
The basketball stars game has basic controls, but it's not easy to win. Your goal is to score by shooting the ball into your opponent's basket. Both shots count for two points. Before the clock runs out, you need to rack up more points than your rivals. You would be surprised at how difficult it is to make a perfect throw to the basket. As a first step, your opponents can attempt to deflect your shot or perhaps grab the ball. You need to get the force calculation right if you want to win. You shouldn't limit your focus to scoring goals when you're enjoying the action. On the other hand, defense is crucial. Your opponent's attack is something you should be prepared to block. Keep the opposing team's hoop safe.
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